An eSPORTS Community Event
2023 To Be Announced
UGA-Tifton Campus Conference Center
Tifton, GA
Presented by
Madhouse Gaming
Southeast Mayhem
11 of your favorite games
CAsh Pot Prizes +
Over $2500 in Bonus Prizes
Cosplay competition
Drones & robotics
and more...
Southeast Mayhem 2022
A Community eSports Event
2023 To Be Announced
UGA-Tifton Campus Conference Center
Tifton, Georgia
Exhibit Booth Information Sheet
Exhibit Booth Fee: $150 Early Bird Registration
$250 (after 1-12-2022)
Exhibitor Perks:
1. One 10x10 foot booth, with one 6-foot skirted table, 2 chairs, waste basket, power access
2. One complimentary conference registration
3. Company listing on the conference website
4. Company listing in the conference program materials
5. Exhibitor ribbon for your conference badge(s) publicizing your involvement in the conference
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations before January 1st will incur a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds after January 1, 2022.
Southeast Mayhem Trade Show Schedule
Friday, February 4
8 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Trade Show Set-Up
4 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. – Trade Show Hours
Saturday, February 5
7:00 a.m. - 11 p.m. - Trade Show Hours
Sunday, February 6
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Trade Show Hours
Southeast Mayhem 2022
A Community eSports Event
February 4-6, 2022
UGA-Tifton Campus Conference Center
Tifton, Georgia
Exhibit Booth Rental Terms & Conditions
In accordance with the following terms, conditions and regulations governing the exhibits of Southeast Mayhem 2022, hereinafter, at The University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center, Tifton, Georgia, February 4-6, 2022, undersigned hereby makes application for exhibit(s) which when accepted in writing by Southeast Mayhem, LLC becomes a contract.
Applicant expressly agrees articles or materials exhibited shall be confined to those listed in Display Conditions. Applicant is asked to make full statement of the nature of proposed exhibit, listing materials or products which will be exhibited. Southeast Mayhem LLC shall have the right to exclude from the exhibit floor any article or product not specifically and clearly listed in the application.
The Exhibitor shall not display the products or advertising of any other company, nor assign or sublet any part of the space assigned.
An electrical receptacle is available upon request. Electricity must be requested on the contract.
No exhibits, displays or presentation will at any time be permitted in undesignated areas of The University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Exhibitors will be allowed to distribute advertising material either carried or worn and contest drawings will be permitted by each Exhibitor by stipulations set forth in the changes notice.
Displaying of alcoholic beverages is expressly prohibited.
All food and beverage service at exhibit space must be coordinated with the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Exhibitors dispensing food or beverage items must provide its own trash containers and meet Conference Center regulations and local health regulations.
The Exhibitor assumes all responsibility to determine in advance the extent of cost of any special service required in installing and operating exhibits and assumes responsibility for the cost of such services.
All exhibits must be manned for the entire length of the show.
All exhibitors must submit a complete Application accompanied by full payment of total rent for each booth requested. Southeast Mayhem LLC reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion in acceptance or refusal of applications.
Any Exhibitor may cancel prior to the show date by submitting written notice to Southeast Mayhem, LLC subject to the following conditions. If space is cancelled by an Exhibitor prior to January 1, 2022, a refund minus a $50 administrative fee will be made. No refunds for cancellations received on or after January 1, 2022 and Southeast Mayhem, LLC shall have the right to reassign the booth space.
It is agreed that Southeast Mayhem LLC and the management of The University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, shall not be liable to the Exhibitor for any theft, loss, damage or injury to its property contained in such exhibits, or injuries to its persons, its agents, employees or other persons, no matter how sustained, or for losses to Exhibitor of any nature resulting from strikes, lockouts, acts of God, civil disobedience, or any circumstances beyond the control of Southeast Mayhem, LLC or the management of The University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center, all claims for such loss, damage, or injury are hereby expressly waived by the Exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees to hold Southeast Mayhem LLC harmless from any and all claims and liabilities of every kind which may arise out of the Exhibitor’s use and occupancy of the premises and its operations under this agreement.
Southeast Mayhem LLC will not insure exhibits and the Exhibitor may provide property damage and liability insurance at its own expense.
Southeast Mayhem LLC, in the event of any conflict regarding space requests or conditions beyond the control of Southeast Mayhem, reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan to accommodate the Exhibitors involved in the best possible manner. Southeast Mayhem, LLC shall have the final determination and enforcement of all rules, regulations and conditions. Use of outside ground space is required for equipment that could scar or damage concrete flooring.
Southeast Mayhem LLC will arrange space to accommodate 10’ x 10’ exhibits. All exhibits must be confined to the space limits of the booth as indicated on the floor plan or any special plan approved by Southeast Mayhem LLC. The rear view or the exposed parts of any display must be finished so that it is not objectionable to other Exhibitors or the Commission. EACH EXHIBITOR WILL BE PROVIDED ONE TABLE, TABLECLOTH, TABLE SKIRT AND TWO CHAIRS FREE. Floor carpet or similar exhibit booth amenities are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. Free wireless Internet is available throughout the Conference Center.
Badges will be provided to those Exhibitors’ personnel who will be working at the exhibit.
Attention-getting devices and audio-visual equipment will not be permitted except in the locations where in the opinion of Southeast Mayhem LLC such sound and activity does not interfere with the activities of neighboring Exhibitors.
Exhibit space has been rented to Exhibitors with contracted-for and paid-for space. No other persons or concerns will be permitted to demonstrate, solicit orders, or distribute advertising material or such other material in the exposition area. Violation of this rule will be followed by the prompt ejection of such violators, and Exhibitors waive any rights or claims against Southeast Mayhem LLC arising out of the enforcement of this rule.
Southeast Mayhem LLC in its discretion, shall have the right to postpone Southeast Mayhem, 2021 and shall be liable in no way to the Exhibitor for losses resulting from such delay. Southeast Mayhem LLC shall have the right, in its discretion, to cancel the Southeast Mayhem 2022 and in such event Southeast Mayhem LLC shall return any advance rent money having been paid by the Exhibitor prior to the time of cancellation. All matters and questions not covered in these regulations are subject to the decision of Southeast Mayhem LLC. These regulations may be amended at any time by Southeast Mayhem LLC and amendments so made shall be equally binding on all parties, as are these original regulations.
Please sign below indicating you have read the Southeast Mayhem LLC Exhibit Booth Rental Terms and Conditions above and are authorized on behalf of your company or organization to accept the terms and conditions as stated.
____________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
Return Signed and Dated Form to:
Southeast Mayhem, LLC
P.O. Box 626, Tifton, GA 31793